Swami Rama Institute of Meditation and Interfaith Studies
Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama, Rishikesh, UK
Education Department

“We all know what to do and what not to do, but it is very difficult to learn how to be. Real knowledge is found not in knowing, but rather in being. Knowing is mere information. Practice leads to direct experience and valid knowledge”            – Swami Rama




Education is the key to better life and much needs to be done in terms of quality. In the words of our Gurudev H.H Swami Rama “Young age is the budding period of the flower of life. It needs protection so that the diverse opinions of others do not create confusion in the mind. A tender mind can be bent easily. Loving guidance and right communication is important. This is the period of shaping the habits of mind.”



The philosophy of our preceptor and spiritual guide Swami Veda Bharati, a direct disciple of Swami Rama of the Himalayas, emphasizes that connecting those who seek purpose in life, using our combined educational approach and power, promotes social transformation at local levels, which can serve as national and international models. We do this by using a holistic approach addressing career needs, focusing on personality and lifestyle. Our intentions, beliefs and expectations, every thought we think and every word we speak and teach, ensure quality education and good health.


The Gurukulam  pioneers a unique system of higher education based on developing students’ full alertness and creative intelligence — the foundation of learning. This system integrates the content of traditional discipline-based education with knowledge and technologies for developing students’ mental potential.

At the foundation of this system is the practice by students, faculty, and administrators of systematic and scientifically verified techniques to develop the full potential of human consciousness. Through programs that give students a traditional education while cultivating the holistic growth of consciousness, mind and body, the gurukulam offers students the skills needed to manage their lives effectively, to lead lives characterized by health and wisdom, and to achieve both personal and professional success and fulfillment in all areas of life.



The Gurukulam meets its goals of developing educational excellence and improving quality of life principally by helping students achieve specific outcomes during their academic programs. The following three outcomes are the basis of institutional assessment.

1.   Self-Development

Development of consciousness means developing the innermost nature of the individual. The Gurukulam’s program of education  systematically develops students’ intelligence, nourishing and unfolding all aspects of life simultaneously — mind, body, behavior, and environment. The individual grows in personal fulfillment and professional success and brings increasing fulfillment to society. The outcomes of developing creative intelligence that the Gurukulam expects of its students over the course of their academic careers include increased intelligence and creativity; improved health (mental, physical, and social); increased field independence and moral maturity; increased problem-solving ability, improved speaking and writing ability; greater self-actualization, self-esteem, personal identity and emotional health.

2.   Ability to Integrate New Knowledge Effectively in Any Field and Profession

The Gurukulam’s unique approach to education will enable students to feel increasingly comfortable with all fields of knowledge — to recognize the interconnections among fields of knowledge and the connection between knowledge and themselves. The gurukulam will also expect that all students will acquire intellectual skills and capacities; understand multiple modes of inquiry and approaches to knowledge; and develop societal, civic, and global knowledge.

3.   Scholarship and Service

In addition to the educational outcomes cited above, the Gurukulam develops new knowledge through research and disseminates that knowledge through publication of scholarly works. In disseminating its knowledge, the Gurukulam also assists other educational organizations, nationally and internationally, whose purposes are consistent with Ahymsin/SRSG’s mission. The primary responsibility for scholarship and service will lie with the Gurukulam’s faculty. Their progress is assessed in terms of their contributions to peer-reviewed publications, to the Ahymsin/SRSG’s own publications, and to the development of curricula and instructional materials.